Saturday, January 3, 2015

One Thousand Gifts

One Thousand Gifts
by Ann Voskamp

Making a resolution, two, or three to begin a New Year is a great way to "start fresh", to have a "new beginning", to "change", to become a "better you" (in this case a "better me") but let's be honest…I don't know about you, but I am not the best at always keeping them!  I always have good intentions and I am always excited to make a change come January 1st, but then life gets busy & resolutions fall to the wayside...often times becoming a memory of past promises.  What did I promise myself that I would do this year?!  Yep, I find myself asking that question regularly.  Of course, I want to be a "better me" all of the time so why not work on whatever I (YOU) desire to do differently every day of the year versus at the start of a New Year?!  Well, that is what my focus is going to be in 2015…becoming a "better me" on a daily basis.

Part of becoming a "better me" means that I need to pause at times, look around me, and soak in life's everyday joys. Notice the small things.  Appreciate the small things and start openly accepting the gifts that are around me, the gifts that are given to me each and every day.  No, I am not talking about material things…I am talking about God's gifts.  The laughter of my children, truly hearing and listening to the words "I love you", the ability to run, the smell of fresh flowers, long walks with our pups (even if at times they are the ones walking me ;-)), & a beautiful sunset (to name only a few).  "It's the small things that really matter"…right?!

In a world where it is all too easy to get wrapped up in seeking more and more of the WRONG things, this beautiful book by Ann Voskamp is a reminder to stop, take a look around, and accept the gifts that are right in front of you.  I will use this book as an ongoing reminder of my promise to myself and I will be writing down "One Thousand Gifts" of my very own throughout this next year.

What promises are you making to yourself this year?!

As always, thanks for stopping by!
p.s. let your outer beauty be an accessory to your inner sparkle…and then, SHINE!

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