Wednesday, March 18, 2015

So Fresh and So Clean with Persil Proclean

| Post Sponsored by: Persil |
*all opinions are my own

Hi everyone!  Hope you all had a fun St. Patrick's Day!  It was so great to see so many festive pictures on social media yesterday and I especially loved the photos of so many kiddos dressed up in their green gear!  Our children were dressed in green but of course I forgot to snap a photo…sigh…BUT they were dressed in green!

Today, I am foregoing my typical style post for a lifestyle post and I am sharing my thoughts with you about a new laundry detergent called Persil ProClean!  I don't know about you, but we are CONSTANTLY doing laundry in our household…between me, my Hubby, our two children, and our two dogs (who seem to somehow always make a mess) we have loads upon loads to wash each and every week.  Sometimes I think "doing laundry" could seriously be a full-time job, phew!  Luckily my Hubby often times takes on this task and happily (or at least willingly) washes and folds load after load.  

With two very active children who are in preschool and two pups who we are constantly cleaning up after, it is so important for us to have a laundry detergent that truly GETS THE JOB DONE!  Persil definitely does exactly that!  With its excellent stain fighting ingredients, the original liquid detergent is perfect for your every day laundry, the "power pearls" do an incredible job brightening your whites and fighting the toughest of stains, and the "power-caps" are perfect for the ease of use…just toss in and go!  The detergent exudes a fresh clean scent and our clothes, towels, and sheets have never smelled better.  I also absolutely love the bright bold Persil packaging and I love that the detergent bottles are clear so you can truly see how much detergent you have left!  How many times have you stood and held the bottle upright until every last drop of liquid detergent was in your cup?!  With Persil, there is no guessing how much detergent is left…you can SEE how much is left…genius!

Persil is exclusively sold at Walmart stores and it is super affordable too (I've included additional links below)!  I would highly recommend this new innovative premium laundry detergent to anyone looking for a stain fighting, white brightening, deliciously smelling detergent!  Persil ProClean GETS THE JOB DONE!

BEFORE YOU GOPersil is running a sweepstakes that you should absolutely check out!  Head to: to enter…below are the details of the prizes that are being awarded through this contest.  Contest is open until 4/12/15!

1st place winner will receive: 1 year supply of Persil and a premium night out on the town that includes a $300 Nordstrom gift card, $200 gift card, and a $150 card credit!

2nd place winner will receive: 1 year supply of Persil!


As always, thanks for stopping by!
p.s let your outer beauty be an accessory to your inner sparkle…and then, SHINE!


  1. That's very nice that they decided to sponsor the post; glad to hear you like this detergent! xx, Ada adaatude

  2. Thanks for the review. Sounds like an interesting product.

  3. I'll have to try this. I swear I do laundry all day every day!
    Carrie and Stacy

  4. Thank you for the review! I'm always looking for detergent that really gets the job done - especially on lighter colors.


    1. Of course Brenda and theirs definitely works well! xoxo

  5. Great post! I know what you mean with a hubby and 2 kids. The laundry just piles up!

    To Hell In A Handbag

  6. Oooh I'm such a clean freak...I need this in my life :)


    1. Victoria, yes you do! Thanks for your comment, xoxo!

  7. oo i have never heard of this brand but i love the packaging and totally need to try it out!

    1. Definitely Kristyn! I think you will really like it!
