Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Style with Charming Charlie

Photos || Catherine Truman Photo

Here we are Friday...we meet again!!!  With a 3 day weekend ahead and vacation right around the corner, I can't tell you how excited I am that it is Friday.  Clearly my ear to ear smile says it all!

My weekend style is simple...recently it has been cutoff denim shorts and cute tops like this embroidered top from Charming Charlie.  This top is so comfortable, soft, and breezy.  The embroidered detail is gorgeous and even better yet, it is under $30!  And these colors just so happen to be perfect for Memorial Day festivities too!

Cheers to a wonderful long weekend ahead and as always, thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Love how you put the scarf over the top!


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  3. Laying of the wreath at Arlington Cemetary - Often, the Leader of america will lay down a wreath at Arlington Cemetery on the gross annual observance of Memorial Day. This will most likely be along with a speech.
    Thank You Memorial Day Pictures
    Happy Memorial Day Quotes and Saying
